¡Marcamos la diferencia!
- Titulación de alto nivel en Harvard/Yale/Northwestern
- Cirugía Plástica Certificada por el Consejo *
- Muchos años de experiencia
- Habilidad comprobada para conseguir excelentes resultados – vea nuestra galería fotográfica
- Todos los tratamientos se realizan en instalaciones privadas y seguras acreditadas – Seguridad tipo hospitalario sin molestias manteniendo la privacidad
- Tratamientos llevados a cabo por nuestros médicos o personal altamente cualificado y con experiencia – sin residentes ni personal en prácticas *Dr. Gregory Turowski
Cirugía Plástica Chicago
Escoger al cirujano plástico adecuado es muy importante. Estamos dejando en sus manos el cuidado de nuestro cuerpo, belleza y salud.
Los cirujanos de New Horizons estamos en continua formación técnica e incorporamos las últimas innovaciones gracias a nuestra formación médica continuada. Participamos frecuentemente en seminarios y conferencias de cirugía plástica en todo el mundo.
Chicago Plastic Surgeon
Gregory A. Turowski

Board Certified in Plastic Surgery since 1999. Member of the American Society of Aesthetic Surgery and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons...

About Us
Dr. Turowski’s team includes a very professional specialists. People who work here will take care of your safety and comfort and our highly experienced surgeons will explain you all of the details about your cosmetic procedure.
Most Popular
Plastic Surgery Procedures
Discover the wide range of modern plastic surgery procedures performed in our clinic, including such a popular treatments like hair restoration, breast augmentation, rhinoplasty and abdominoplasty. All procedures are performed by our doctors or highly trained experienced licensed professionals.

ARTAS Center of Clinical Excellence
We are recognized as “ARTAS Center of Clinical Excellence” by the Restoration Robotics company – together with selected few centers in the world that are leaders in robotic hair restoration!
In order to achieve this status, a center must be able to perform ARTAS Procedures with the following performance criteria: procedures of ≥ 2000 grafts, follicle transection rates of ≤ 10%, harvest yields of ≥85%, and harvest speeds of 700 grafts/hr.

Procedures for MEN
Plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures are becoming more and more popular among men. Discover the most popular treatments for men performed in our clinic including hair restoration, liposuction, gynecomastia and laser hair removal.

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